Welcome to Caldwell Street Public School!
Bienvenue a l’ecole Caldwell!
Caldwell is a JK-6 dual track school, a school that has demonstrated sustainable improvement in student achievement.
Our Staff, School Council and School Community collaborate to create a caring and respectful learning culture for the enhancement of student learning.
Our teachers and administrators work together as a team of professionals to determine what students might learn next. They work collaboratively, developing, testing and implementing strategies to understand how well students learn in response to instructional approaches and decisions. This process of co-constructing and critically examining the work of students and staff is powerful, it speaks to our beliefs that no child will be left behind and that we have high expectations for all students and staff.
Caldwell offre aussi deux excellents programmes de francais, -le francais cadre et l'immersion precoce. Nos deux programmes de francais utilisent des ressources varies et dynamiques.
Each of our classes is equipped with a variety of technology tools (i.e. Smart Board, laptops, iPads) and we are very proud of our use of information technology to enhance student learning.
Caldwell Street School is an excellent example of how parental and community engagement come together to make sure that student learning is at the centre of all we do.
I am extremely proud to serve as the leader of this engaging and high performing school and I welcome your children and your family to our great school.
Wilson Parks